Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day One...In God's Will?

I want to be in God's Will. In fact I have determined that God has made His will clear to me and my family, but I have chosen to ignore it and in return been miserable and thinking that God was not speaking to me anymore. I think the real silence, was me. He told me what was expected and in the meantime while I was doing my own thing and justifying it he was just shaking his head and laughing saying, Jason I already answered you.

Three and a half years ago I began financial peace university. My grand total debt was in the neighborhood of $76,000.00. I had two new cars, a house full of same as cash furniture, and student loans. I was living the "American Dream". I woke up one day and looked at the mess I made and cried out for help. My answer was Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace University. As I listened to each lesson I gained practical knowledge about money, and debt. I realized that I had been wrong for all of my adult years and I faced the fact...if I don't do something now I will never fix this. We started eliminating debt, canceling credit cards and making extra payments. The first year alone we dumped about $17,000.00. Laurie (my bride) has followed my lead in this and we have just changed our way of life.

About six months ago God allowed some things to happen and we made some financial decisions, one was to sell a car that was almost paid for... the other was to buy a second car and use credit to do it. We bought an SUV for $13,000. It is really nice and worth every penny, however we broke our promise to each other and BORROWED money. Why did we break our promise. Because we lack faith. We do not believe God can take care of our needs so we do it for him. Sarah and Hagar did this and look where that got us.

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