Monday, April 19, 2010

Forget Counting the Days, let's just learn some lessons!

So after much prayer and supplication we have decided that we will fight this thing out. We have made several choices in our lives over the last few years that have brought us to where we are at right now. Last evening as I walked through the door I smiled thinking about all the blessings I have in my life. I am blessed to have a wonderful, beautiful wife. I am blessed to have two great children. I am blessed to have an awesome Pastor, great church friends, and a church home. I am blessed to have the ability to work for a living too.

As I began to count my blessings I have come to a few conclusions. First, never think you will never do that again...believe me, you will do that again. Another was that for the first time in my life my choices that I make that put me in the financial situation that I am in are almost no longer burdensome because of debt, but rather a conscious choice to spend my money a certain way. Now, I still have debt. I am working on that. But the other outgoing money is a matter of choice.

I will explain...We homeschool, chosen expense...We tithe, necessary expense...We choose to live off one income instead of two, chosen expense...We try to fill envelopes for necessities for daily living, chosen expense...We eat three meals a day, plus all snacks, fruit, and everything else at home, chosen expense...We give to charitable organizations, chosen expense...and the list goes on.

Please understand, I do not say this to receive my reward in recognition of man, but rather to keep myself accountable to God, and possibly encourage any reader who might need it.

I am so thankful to store up treasure in heaven, that is where my real retirement will be anyway.

And that is the way I feel about it today. Please pray that God will allow us Wisdom. We desire to know Him more and we seek wisdom.

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