Sunday, April 25, 2010

I need to do this more.

I really need to keep up with this more often, more for my own sake than anything. We are going to get paid next week and that is when we go through all the woes of our lifestyle. Single income, filling envelopes, tithe, homeschool, and yes the truck payment and our other loan.

Sitting in church this morning was interesting. I can tell Laurie was thinking we are being disobedient again. I can read here like a book. She really wants to be out of debt. I understand but we are where we are... She also wants to contribute to buying down the debt. It is really hard for her to know we could do more if she had a job, but yet she cannot have one right now.

Amber and Brandon are a full time job, especially since we have chosen to teach them at home. Pouring bucket of character them as she stated in her blog a couple days ago. This is worth far more than any other thing we could do. We will beat this debt, we will be debt free, and we will make that call to Dave Ramsey and scream into the phone I am debt FREE. Unfortunately it will be a little longer than we would like. Unless God has other plans.

Again I ask for wisdom. It is so important to know how to handle these things. I spent my whole life messing stuff up. I want wisdom to help me know how to rely on God to use me as his instrument to do his will.

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